Tag: how to build a website for advertising

  • Get Your Own Pro Classified Ad Website

    Get Your Own Classified Ad Website  
    Generate 24/7  Opt Ins Leads +Self Hosted Email Marketing System!

    We are now proposing to set you up with your own classified advertising website and email marketing machine just like the ones we have used to generate over 100,000+ subscribers and 1000’s of recurring sales. Plus your own self-hosted email marketing system like Getresponse and Aweber installed for you on your own server

    We have built a six figure business offering free advertising opportunities. We can now set you up with the same type of system which generates opt ins and sales for us 24/7.

    Our website Thefreeadforum.com has over 500,000+ members. The system is simple. We offer an opportunity for free advertising and this attracts advertisers. It works beautifully.

    We then propose our various advertising tools, services, software and affiliate offers to our advertisers.


    We have also integrated our site with Sendy email marketing system. Every person who registers for an account on our free advertising site is automatically asked if they wish to join our email marketing list.

    As an incentive to join our list we offer them $597. of pro marketing software for free. We have used this technique to generate over 100,000+ opt in subscribers.

    We can now set you up with very same opt in marketing machine that we use successfully every single day!

    Every Person Who Registers An Account on Your Free Classified Ad Website Will Be Automatically Asked if They Wish To Join Your Email Marketing Newsletter

    As you can see from the screenshot below from our email marketing account we received 47 confirmed opt ins to our mailing list on just one of our lists. And we have many different lists.  This screenshot was taken in the morning and there were already 22 confirmed opt in subscribers.

    This was done from 100% organic traffic! We did not spend one dime on advertising.!

    Get Your Own Classified Ad Site

    When people register for the site they are also asked if they want to join your newsletter. In addition they will see your various banners promoting your other services on the free advertising website.

    In addition to getting opt ins, and promoting our various services and affiliate offers an autoresponder from the classified ad site will send an email reminding free advertisers to upgrade to Premium ads.

    Here is a screenshot from our logs of some upgrade sales from just one of our sites:

    The classified ad website we will set up for you is ready to accept Paypal, Stripe and Payproglobal. When your customers upgrade you get paid automatically and the ads are upgraded automatically. You do not have to do anything!

    So Here is How You Make Money With Your Free Advertising Website:

    • From Building An Awesome Targeted Confirmed Opt in Email List. You Can Use This List to Promote Offers For Many Months To Come. The Money is in The List!
    • Automatic Ad Upgrades. Advertisers Posting Free Ads Will Be Offered Several Chances To Upgrade. The Money Will Automatically Go To Your Paypal or Stripe Account And The Website Will Automatically Upgrade Their Ads. This is a Completely Hands Off Process. Those Upgrades Are Nice And Really Add Up.
    • From Banners That You We Will Put Prominently On Your Website Promoting Your Affiliate Offers

    But Wait There is More!

    We are not only going to set up your classified ad website but we are going to set up your own self hosted autoresponder/email marketing system completely integrated with your classified ad website

    • We set up not only your website but set up the full version of Sendy email marketing software on the same domain as your new classified ad website.
    • We pre-load the software with our test high converting follow up letters with YOUR affiliate links in the messages for 3 programs.
    • We integrate Sendy software with your new website so that everybody who registers for an account with your classifieds site is automatically asked to join your newsletter. When they join they start getting your email drip campaign automatically every 4 days for several months!
    • You can not only use this software for this project but you can use Sendy for all your email marketing!
    • You can create unlimited lists and follow up campaigns! No limit on the amount of subscribers you can have!
    • Ditch your Aweber, Mailchimp, Getresponse or any other expensive email marketing software. Potentially save $1000’s of dollars!
    • Sendy uses Amazon SES (Simple Email System) and it costs just $1. to send 10,000 emails! You only pay for what you use and it is dirt cheap and works great! I run a list of over 100k with Sendy with zero problems.
    • All you need in addition to purchasing your classified ad website is to get a domain name for your website and get an account with Amazon SES which is free.  After you order I will personally help you with establishing the Amazon SES account.
    • We set everything up for you so you so not need to worry about that. Then get a free account with Amazon 

    So After Your Initial Set Up You Will Just Be Paying $19.97 Per Month to Host both Your Website and Your Self-Hosted Email Marketing System! Unlimited Subscribers!

    So Let’s Review Exactly What You Get:

    • Set you up your own classified ad website just like freeglobalclassifiedads.com and thefreeadforum.com on your own domain. You can get your own domain name here.
    •  Integrate your site fully with Sendy self hosted email marketing software. We can even set you up with the same follow up messages which you can modify with your affiliate link! More on this exciting software below which is completely set up for you.
    • We will allow you to use our free software as an incentive to join your list and we will provide the link.
    • We will create a custom logo for your new advertising website.
    • Your New Free Advertising Site Will Include The Following Plugins:
    • Anti Spam Plugin to Help Stop Spam on Your site
    • Email Reminder Plugin Which Sends Welcome Emails and Reminders for Advertisers to Upgrade Their Ads
    • Simple Social Share Buttons So Viewers Can Share Ads on Social Media
    • Embed YouTube Video Plugin to Enable Advertisers to Embed YouTube Videos in Their Ads
    • Ultimate Payment Plugin to Allow You To Automatically Accept Payments
    • Email Bounce Plugin to Disable Accounts That Are Bouncing Emails
    • User Activation Reminder to Allow Users to Resend Their Confirmation Emails
    • Attractive Custom Theme
    • The Code is All Open. Nothing is Encoded So You or Your Developers Can Even Make Your Own Customizations. 

    Not Only Are We Going To Set Up Your Free Advertising Website But We Are Going to Promote it For You!

    • We will include your new classified ad website in the list of sites we promote with our classified ad posting service, Classifiedsubmissions.com. You will receive 100’s of ad submissions per day automatically from just this. 
    • We will send a solo email to our list of over 20k subscribers introducing your website to 1000’s of hungry advertisers.
    • We will include your website in our list of classified ad websites re-brandable ebook.
    • If you stick with it for at least 2 months we will even make a YouTube video about your website and include it on our popular YouTube channel.

    This is Not An Affiliate Program. This is Your Website That You Could Even Potentially Sell For A Profit On A Website Like Flippa.com

    You will own this classified ad website. It is not ours. It is yours. It is like owning real estate or even a brick and mortar business. Maybe even better! You can change it anyway you want to. You will have full ftp access. And you can even sell it later. We have ad valuations for thefreeadforum.com for up to $160,000.

    I am not saying that your site will be worth that much but if you keep promote the website for one year and you have users and sales I do not think a few thousand dollars for an established site with user base is unreasonable. Again, we cannot guarantee this but websites selling for these amounts is commonplace.

    We have had several owners who have sold their websites for a profit!

    Let’s review the benefits of getting your own classified ad sites:

    • Your get your own classified ad website just like freeglobalclassifiedads.com and thefreeadforum.com
    • We integrate the website with Sendy to create an 24/7 list building machine!
    • We can set you up with the same follow up emails we use. You just have to add your affiliate links. You will be able to earn recurring commissions from Classifiedsubmissions.com, Realppvtraffic.com and Coolmarketingsoftware.com. Of course your can promote your other programs as well.
    • You can modify the site with your own banners and affiliate offers
    • The website will set up for integration for Paypal, Stripe and Payproglobal (You would need accounts with these services of course.)
    • You will be included in our list of sites we submit to with Classifiedsubmissions.com. This will give you non stop submissions to your website.
    • We will send out a solo email introducing your new website to our audience.
    • Make money from automatic ad upgrades.
    • Ability to sell the website later for a profit potentially.
    • Benefit from $1000’s of custom upgrades and plugins we have developed over years of running similar sites.
    • Custom logo designed just for your website.
    • Includes purchase and installation of an ssl certificate for one year.
    • The hosting is fully managed and includes support.
    • Free advertising websites attracts organic traffic without the need for expensive advertising.  Free advertising sites are destination websites. Eventually they just get known and visitors just keep returning. We have developed huge mailing lists without spending hardly anything on advertising.
    • Included is your own self hosted email marketing system that you can use for this and all your other promotions saving you potentially $1000’s of dollars in email marketing fees! Unlimited lists, subscribers and campaigns!

    Before Your Order Please Read Our Requirements.

    • This offer is not for total beginners! You need to be able to purchase your own domain name and point your nameservers. You can get a domain name here and you can see video instructions here. You also need to at least know what an email follow up system is and be willing to learn a bit about email marketing. You do not need to be a coder. You can modify much of the website from the backend without coding.
    • You must look at this as a long term project. You will not make your money back right away unless you already have a big audience.. The main goal of this project is to create a list building machine and to create an audience for your offers. This requires a consistent long term approach.  If you are looking for a quick fix this is not it. This is real marketing that actually works. We know because are doing it every single day!  Real marketing requires patience and work. If you are the type who gives up easy this is not for you. Please do not order.
    • We will promote your website but you must also promote it yourself as well. You will be included in our list of sites with Classifiedsubmissions.com so for sure you will receive traffic and advertisers. We will also promote you to our list. But this is not enough. We are looking for partners who are serious about building their list and social media audience. If you are not committed to promoting the website yourself please do not order.

    Getting Started.

    1. Get your own domain name. You may get one here.

    Then you will need to point the nameservers of your domain to: ns1.contabo.net ns2.contabo.net ns3.contabo.net:

    1. You will be re-directed to a page where you can give use some basic details such as:

    2. Name, email and phone contacts so we can communicate.

    3. Usernames for your affiliate accounts at Classifiedsubmissions.com, Realppvtraffic.com and Coolmarketingsoftware.com. Click any of the links above to register for free.

    4. Please give us 5 business days to complete the set up. (In most cases we will do this much faster.)

    5. We will then send you an email with ftp and admin login.

    Frequently Asked Questions!

    Question-Can you guarantee sales?

    Question-What language is used to code the software.

    Question-Can I transfer this site to my own hosting?

    Question-Do you offer a money back guarantee?

    Question- Is the code encrypted of obfuscated?

    Question- Will I have full ftp access?

    Question- What type of control panel will I have?

    Questions- Do you guarantee to bring advertisers to my classified ad website?

    By Getting Your Own Classified Ad Website You Are Not Getting An Affiliate Site. You Own The Site and The Domain. All The Payments go 100% Directly to You.

    Your Own Classified Ad Website Just $297. for the first month(Includes Sendy License) then $19.97 per month for hosting thereafter.

    This includes purchase and installation of an ssl certificate for one year and the first month of hosting. After the initial set up the only fee is the $19.97 hosting fee which includes fully managed hosting/support.

    Advantages of Owning Your Own Classified Ad Website

    • Non stop opt in leads going 24/7 to your email marketing campaigns!    
    • It is your website. You own it. You could build it up for a year and put it for sale on Flippa for a potential profit!  Up to you!  
    • Place your banners prominently on the site promoting your programs. Change whenever you want.
    • Make Money from Automatic Ad Upgrades
    • Make Money Using Google Adsense On Your Website
    • Earn recurring commissions from Classifiedsubmissions.com, Realppvtraffic.com and Coolmarketingsoftware.com. 
    • Your own self hosted email marketing system pre-loaded with sales letters with your affiliate links. Unlimited, campaigns, autoresponders and leads. You can get rid of your current email marketing service and use this for all you campaigns and save $1000’s.
    • Get non stop 24/7 promotion from Classifiedsubmissions.com. We guarantee to get your website slamming with ads and advertisers!  Partner with a successful brand. and proven concept. We have been doing this successfully for years! It is your site but you are not alone.

    Your Own Classified Ad Website Just $297.  for the first month then $19.97 per month for hosting thereafter.

    This includes purchase and installation of an ssl certificate for one year and the first month of hosting. After the initial set up the only fee is the $19.97 hosting fee which includes fully managed hosting/support. Your only additional costs are: 

    1. The purchase of a domain name see here.

    2. Amazon SES account which is free but charges $1. per 10,000 emails sent. ( I will help you with this after you order and the website is set up.)

    So to be clear, after you pay the initial setup, you will pay $19.97 per month to host your website and email marketing system both. And you would pay just for the emails you send out through Amazon SES.

    Copyright Classifiedfsubmissions.com